2020年5月2日(土)hide The 23rd Memorial 「hide Memorial Day 2020 献花式」「hide Memorial Day 2020 Sing along live”Hi - Ho!”」「hide 23回忌法要」中止のご案内

2020年5月2日(土)CLUB CITTA’で開催を予定しておりました
hide The 23rd Memorial
「hide Memorial Day 2020 献花式」
「hide Memorial Day 2020 Sing along live”Hi - Ho!”」
「hide 23回忌法要」は、



購入先により方法が異なりますので、詳しくは 『TICKET』ページをご覧ください。

<払い戻し期間>2020年4月13日(月)~5月17日(日) ※一部変更になりました

※先日発令された緊急事態宣言を受け、会場や配信に関わる全ての方の感染防止の観点から 23回忌法要 及び ネット配信は中止となりました

また、hide Memorial Day 2020グッズにつきましては、




hide The 23rd Memorial hide Memorial Day 2020 制作スタッフ一同

Cancellation announcement for the May 2nd, 2020 (Sat) hide The 23rd Memorial event

The event scheduled for May 2nd, 2020 (Sat) at CLUB CITTA in Kawasaki, “hide Memorial Day 2020 dedication ceremony,” “hide Memorial Day 2020 Sing along live ‘Hi-Ho’,” and “hide’s 23rd memorial service,” due to the spread of COVID-19 infections and the government’s request to self-quarantine, have all been canceled.

It has been 22 years since hide’s passing, and we prepared years in advance for his 23rd memorial service. We strongly hoped to be able to have this event take place. However, as a result of several discussions by the organizers and management, we have decided that our first and foremost priority is and has always been the safety and lives of all of the people who love hide.

This announcement, on whether or not we would hold the event, was originally scheduled for Monday April 13th, but due to certain circumstances we had to make the announcement today. Thank you for your understanding in our attempt to prevent further spread of the virus.

Refunds will be made for the ticket price. Depending on where you purchased your ticket the way to refund varies. Please check the details listed below for more information: https://www.hide-city.com/mcontents/special/200502_hideMemorialDay/ticket.html

Refund period: April 13th, 2020 (Mon) 10:00 - March 17th (Sun) 23:59 Japan time.

As of now, we are currently making adjustments so that we can broadcast the 23rd memorial event online for an audience-less performance.
Saturday May 2nd hide 23rd memorial ceremony online broadcast cancellation notice
( https://www.hide-city.com/information/detail.php?id=1935 )

As for hide Memorial Day 2020 goods, we have decided to continue sales on the online shop so that everyone is able to purchase a souvenir from this event.
( http://sisinc.shop12.makeshop.jp/ ) *
*Please note that purchases cannot be made overseas.

To all those who were looking forward to this performance we understand this is an unfortunate announcement, but we again thank you for your understanding.

We continue to wish you all the best for your safety and well-being, and we wish those currently infected with COVID-19 a speedy recovery.

April 1st, 2020 *
*Please note this is not an April fools prank.

Headwax Organization Inc.
hide The 23rd Memorial
hide Memorial Day 2020
Production Staff

『hide Memorial Day 2020』

Please check here for information regarding ticket for hide Memorial Day 2020